Puppy Puppet
DIY Table Lamp
Puppy Puppet is a DIY table lamp set designed by TheHiveLab. It is our most popular product for an obvious reason: Who can resist an adorable puppy?!
The product comes with a customized package and a set of parts including lamp shade, wire, lamp body and connectors. The lamp is designed to resemble a puppy in an extremely simplified form. Connectors and lamp shade are 3D-printed, thus customization of color is not an issue.
You can also choose to come to the live workshop where you can learn how to make your own puppy puppet. Here you can polish your DIY skills and have a range of customizable parts to choose from.
You design and assemble your own puppy, and you know that it knows you.
People learn how to use hand tools and basic electrical knowledge during the workshop. Perfect choice for family-trip or team-building.
Puppy Puppet on exhibition.